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Kaeya Alberich

Kaeya Alberich is a playable Cryo character in Genshin Impact.
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Constel­lationPavo Ocellus
NationMondstadt, Khaenri'ah
BirthdayNovember 30th
Height5'11" / 182 cm
RelativeDiluc Ragnvindr (Adoptive Brother), Crepus (Adoptive Father)
Special DishFruity Skewers
How to obtainComplete "Crash Course", Wishes
AffiliationMondstadt, Knights of Favonius, Alberich Clan
Release DateSeptember 28, 2020
Voice ActorsJosey Montana McCoy (EN), Kousuke Toriumi 鳥海浩輔 (JP)


Kaeya Alberich is a 4-Star playable Sword Cryo character in Genshin Impact.

Kaeya is the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius. He is held in high regard by the people of Mondstadt — even with all his eccentricities and secrets.


  • Normal Attack: Ceremonial Bladework


  1. Normal Attack:
  2. Charged Attack:
  3. Plunging Attack:

  • Elemental Skill: Frostgnaw


  • Elemental Burst: Glacial Waltz


  • 1st Ascension Passive: Cold-Blooded Strike
  • 4th Ascension Passive: Glacial Heart
  • Utility Passive: Hidden Strength


Sailwind Shadow

Kaeya's new outfit comes in version 3.8, this outfit is part of the "Secret Summer Paradise" event.



Kaeya is an outwardly confident and charming individual with a flair for drama. He is sometimes seen as overly laid-back and even lazy, but he takes his work seriously. He is surprisingly popular among the elderly of Mondstadt, even earning himself the title of "top candidate for grandson-in-law." His charisma and determination have earned him the admiration, respect, and favor of many people in Mondstadt — yet, his love for provoking others has also gained him the exasperation of those same people. Kaeya also enjoys putting people into high-stress situations and challenging their values, which he does to both his enemies and his allies alike. He takes pleasure in seeing the hesitation in his comrades' eyes at the moment just before they dive into battle with him, just as he takes pleasure in the look of fear in his enemies' eyes as they face off against him.

Party corner!  ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄.

He seems to get a kick out of telling bold-faced lies and convincing others to do his work, but this serves him well in his role in the Knights of Favonius. He is a self-proclaimed "anti-hero with an attitude problem;" as long as everything ends the way he wants, Kaeya does not care about the methods used. Still, according to his informant Vile, he draws the line at working with those who threaten other people's families, believing they deserve to be "hunted down and destroyed."

Despite his extroversion, the Traveler has observed that he appears to struggle with loneliness, though he playfully deflects when confronted about it. He frequently reminds the Traveler that they can talk to him, invites them to spend time with him, insistently offers (sometimes extensive) assistance, and often voices his disappointment whenever the Traveler has to leave, showing his desire to be helpful and aversion to being alone.

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❄🌊🤺Happy Birthday Kaeya


ガイアGNSN log


Character Mentions

Kaeya? You can only trust half of what he says... at best.


Kaeya is the best! He wrote the Favonius Survival Rulebook for me and he always helps me cover it up when I make a big disaster.


At the Knights of Favonius building, you're not allowed to blow up the walls. Shame, it would make getting out of solitary confinement way easier... but if I did so much as try to blow up the wall, Jean would make sure Klee never sees the light of day again. That's what Jean said, Kaeya told me.

Is that right...? Kaeya also gave you some suggestions. He is an excellent knight after all — this is a fact no one can deny.

Back Then

Wine has its uses... like revealing someone's true colors, for example. Smooth talk is Kaeya's veil, but being me, I can see right through it. Hah, you should see him when he's drunk.

❄🤺❄Kaeya and Rosaria Collab

How is it that even a captain is a disgusting boozehound! You know, that guy who's got that laugh! He downs drink after drink. Ugh!


...I'm feeling uneasy all of a sudden! Was that Kaeya with you earlier? Did he give you any trouble?


There's something weird-looking about the dandelions in the garden... Hmm, I bet Kaeya had something to do with this!

The time required to sketch portraits closely correlates with one's mood. I could spend half a day sketching Huffman, while I might only need three strokes of the pencil to sketch Kaeya — one for the face, one for the eyepatch string... and one for the eyepatch.

How's everyone in Mondstadt, are they good? I caused so much trouble back then, I sometimes wonder if I should make some time to go back there and apologize... Hmm, but what if I ran into the Cavalry Captain, and he started teasing me? ...Yeah, there's no rush, maybe I'll leave it a while longer.

Fischl: His nature is obscure, his fate a mystery, and his speech a vexing tapestry woven of both fact and fiction... Perhaps he and I share the burden of mystical sight...

Oz: Or perhaps he's secretly an actual pirate?

Kaeya Alberich? He's a Pavo Ocellus. Destined for greatness and grandeur... and to hide ugly realities behind a layer of charm and elegance. He believes he has made a clean break with his past, but one day fate will catch up with him. When it does, he will have a major decision to make.

He's a mysterious character! He comes and goes like the wind, and is always occupied with important business. I like the fact that he delegates some of the smaller jobs to me sometimes, it's nice to feel like part of the team, you know... What do you mean, "errand runner"? I don't see it like that at all! Okay, well yes, technically I run errands for him. But still, I really appreciate it!

Everyone has free time in the evening, and that is when I am busiest. Where have Amber's washed hairbands been placed? How many new eyepatches did Kaeya buy? Keeping track of all these things is a maid's responsibility.

Oh... I know he likes to joke, and isn't trying to make fun of me, but I often struggle to work out which parts of what he says are the truth and which parts are jokes. So whenever he talks to me, the outcome is usually one of two things: morbid embarrassment or unbearable awkwardness.

Paimon: Strange...

(Traveler): What's wrong?

Paimon: Diluc and Kaeya are really alike, so why don't they get along?

(Traveler): How are they alike, again?

Paimon: Well, Kaeya's the kind of guy who acts shady in the light of day...

Paimon: While Diluc is a shining beacon of justice in the dark of night!

Paimon: Don't you think that's... kinda the same thing...?

(Traveler): Uhh... I still don't see it.


Paimon: Look into Paimon's eyes!

(Traveler): Something the matter?

Paimon: Kaeya said that people's eyes will betray them.

Paimon: He can tell if someone is telling the truth or not just by looking into their eyes.

(Traveler): Huh...

Paimon: Paimon loves Fisherman's Toast!

(Traveler): That should be the truth. Haha, well, that's also because you love everything that can be eaten.

Paimon: Hehe.

(Traveler): Speaking of looking into people's eyes... I remember one gaze that left a particularly deep impression on me.

Paimon: Whose gaze was that?

(Traveler): A Ruin Guard's. Really made me want to poke its eye out...

(Traveler): Paimon, have you ever seen what Kaeya looks like under that eye patch?

Paimon: Nope.

(Traveler): So, it would seem he never takes it off...

Paimon: Actually, Paimon already knows why!

(Traveler): Oh?

Paimon: He must be hiding some big secret!

(Traveler): Really, a secret?

Paimon: See, Kaeya heads out for assignments more than anyone else.

Paimon: So the skin under that eye patch has to be way lighter than the rest of him.

(Traveler): So if he ever takes that eye patch off...

Paimon: He'll definitely become the butt of everyone's jokes. Maybe he'll even get a weird nickname!

Paimon: Like, say, "Pasty Eye"!

(Traveler): Guess he didn't need to take it off to get a weird nickname...

Paimon: Paimon finds that hard work hardly works here in Mondstadt.

(Traveler): Why do you say that?

Paimon: Just look at Huffman from the Knights of Favonius. He does his best at his duties every day...

Paimon: But the ever-relaxed Captain Kaeya is his boss.

(Traveler): Hmm, but isn't Jean, who works the hardest, the Acting Grand Master?

Paimon: W—Well, how about this, then...

Paimon: Venti's the god of Mondstadt, and he's the laziest of them all!

Paimon: Inazuma's scenery is quite different than what we've seen so far.

(Traveler): Yeah, Inazuma's an island nation.

Paimon: Before the invention of boats, how did the people living on different islands communicate with one another?

(Traveler): According to Yoimiya's dad, they probably used smoke signals to transmit information.

(Traveler): Or, they would...

Paimon: Yeah...?

(Traveler): They would commission people who could freeze the water surface to travel between the islands and deliver messages.

Paimon: Whoa! If Kaeya had lived in Inazuma back then, he would've been even busier than Master Jean now!

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